Tamar Weiss
Tamar Weiss

Tamar Weiss

Hosting Expert
Tamar Weiss has a passion for increasing awareness, growth, and sales for B2B companies through customer-focused content. She currently works as a consultant in a range of startups and large international companies. Previously, she was the content marketing specialist at Optimove, a retention automation company and Insightera, a Marketo company.

Tamar Weiss has a passion for increasing awareness, growth, and sales for B2B companies through customer-focused content. She currently works as a consultant in a range of startups and large international companies. Previously, she was the content marketing specialist at Optimove, a retention automation company and Insightera, a Marketo company.

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Vi får ekonomisk ersättning av de företag som vi recenserar. Ersättning för tjänster och produkter påverkar inte vår bedömning. Den påverkar inte heller hur vi betygsätter vissa webbhotell.
Pengarna täcker kostnader för ersättning till recensenter, köp av konton och tester.

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