Expert- och användarinsikter från GeeksPen-kunder:
We are a web hosting provider on a mission to bring success to everyone who goes online.
We do it by constantly improving server technology, providing professional support, and making the web hosting experience seamless.
Dealing with geekspen Hosting has been an absolute
Dealing with geekspen Hosting has been an absolute pleasure over the last couple of years. They integrate with the software that I use pretty easily and when I get confused they are available 24 hours a day and they even pick up the phone.
but You did SCAM with me , we bought hosting reseller package from you and your hosting was not working and then you said you will refund me and now you are not responding my ticket not replying my msgs on whatsapp and u are just ignoring me and DID SCAM, so GEEKSPEN IS FRAUD COMPANY DONOT MISS GUIDE PEOPLE PLEASE
but they did SCAM with me , we bought hosting reseller package from them and there hosting was not working and then they said they will refund me and now they are not responding my ticket not replying my msgs on whatsapp and they are just ignoring me and DID SCAM, so GEEKSPEN IS FRAUD COMPANY DONOT MISS GUIDE PEOPLE PLEASE
På finns professionella, oberoende recensioner av webbhotell. Våra recensioner är opartiska, ärliga och utvärderar alla webbhotell på samma sätt.
Vi får ekonomisk ersättning av de företag som vi recenserar. Ersättning för tjänster och produkter påverkar inte vår bedömning. Den påverkar inte heller hur vi betygsätter vissa webbhotell. Pengarna täcker kostnader för ersättning till recensenter, köp av konton och tester.